Tuesday, September 14, 2010

almost a year...

One day shy of a year since my last update. Way to go. So much has happened in the 364 days since i last typed anything here. Friendships were formed, friendships fell apart. Last time I wrote here, I was living at my parent's house and our new record wasn't even a month old. Now I live in my favorite city and I'm working on a new record. Damn. Time is weird.
Going to see some really good friends play in a really huge venue tonight. I have no idea how this is going to go over, or sound, but I know they're going to be as genuinely amazing as the first time I saw them in their hometown in front of about 7 people. Maybe I'll let you know tomorrow.....or maybe next year.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I know, I know....

I know it's been way too long. In fact, it's been a summer. I'm going to kick myself later in life for not keeping up with my diary of sorts that I have here. I had a great idea for a song this morning, but instead I laid in bed and finished a bunch of email interviews I promised I'd do.
Just got back from Europe. Played a bunch of shows with some great bands, and some not so great bands. I need to get up and help Josh advertise for our hometown show this thursday. Don't wanna. I use caffeine and alcohol for lots of things, but today I dunno if I need either. I slept well last night and woke up naturally at 6 am. Stupid jet lag.
I'm really gonna try to make this blog happen a little more often. For myself mostly, but if you wanna read it, be my guest. Life is too exciting to forget the daily happenings, and I have a horrible memory.
Home for two days and then on tour for two months.
I think I'll get up now. See ya tomorrow......maybe.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Brule'e rules.

Wow have I been slacking. Big time. I guess I don't really need this blog. But I also kinda want to get some things written down every once in a while. To remember them later I guess. I dunno.
Ah! I'm boring myself! Ok. Tv is going off. Tim and Eric was on. Can't deny that show my full attention. I wonder if I'll still think it's funny in 10 years? I'm 27. I probably shouldn't think it's funny now.
Tomorrow we get together to practice for the first time since we got home from recording. Excited! Actually I ususally hate practice, but I guess we need it if we're not going to totally embarass ourselves on Friday. Plus, we have a whole record of new songs to choose from now. That's a relief. We've been playing the same songs for two years.
I've been so bored lately. It's time to buy a computer. I need something that I can write with. Just short stories for now. About weird stuff. Sci fi. The end of the world. Finding things that change societies. I'm a nerd, but I've got some good ideas. I'm just gonna see what happens. I'll try to maybe give this blog a little more attention as well.....maybe not.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bye JD

Saying goodbye to friends is never easy. Saying goodbye to fiends that are going to war is completely different. JD said goodbye tonight in an alcoholic haze while "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" played through the speakers. This is his second time going to Iraq. This is the second time I've said goodbye to a friend that might just lose his life over something we all know is a waste of time. I'm sad. I'm drunk. I'm going to bed. I love you JD. Good luck.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

mad max

It's day 5 here at the blasting room in Colorado. The last few day have been very interesting. It's strange to spend an entire winter writing songs. Some personal, some fictional. Some I wish were fictional. Then meeting a guy and saying, "here ya go! Here's my songs go ahead and fuck with them and shape them to your liking". Obviously I was not too stoked on the idea of working with a producer at first. I'm kinda territorial of my songs. Let me be clear, I do NOT think I'm a great songwriter. Most of the time I bum myself out because I can't come up with the genius lines like Schwartzenbach and Dylan. Or tell a story like springsteen without sounding forced and fake like some of my peers.
But seriously working with Bill Stevenson has been one of the best musical experiences of my life. Up until now, the only person I've trusted with song writing help and arrangement has been my friend/drummer josh. He's the only one I would feel comfortable letting in and passing judgement on songs. But Bill is a genius. No joke. He's helped so much. In less than a week I've come to the conclusion that I want to work with him in the future and keep coming back here to Colorado whenever it's time to put together a record. Not only that though, he's one of the funniest, honest humans I've ever met. A huge inspiration.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oh Anxiety!!!

So it's snowing...in March. Horrible way to start the month....and a blog for that matter. Talking about the weather? Seriously? Lame.
I'm procrastinating right now actually. I'm supposed to be finishing lyrics, seeing that tomorrow my friends and I fly to Colorado to record with Bill Stevenson. He's been in bands. Good ones. This is my first blog. That's how much I'm procrastinating..
Fudge. I'll get back at this later. I really should be working on lyrics that kids will wanna shout back in my face.